Sunday, September 1, 2013

Frame of Reference aka point of view

"The rule for objectivity is not that everyone lives in the same reality, it is that no two observers' realities can be inconsistent with each other. This also means that "complete" information does not imply a unique description of the reality, it merely implies access to all the information that is locally available to that observer in principle. The locality of the information is what preserves causality…”
I read this very interesting quote on a Physics forum and firstly found it confusing, but after re-reading many times my take isreality  is not necessarily/entirely dependent on information, it may vary from one frame of reference to other. That is:- In Physics:- Considering speed of light has a limit 'c' is a conclusion from our frame of reference. If we were to live inside a (visible)world made of water my limit 'c' would have been lesser. There would also be less accuracy in measuring the speed of light if we were to discover the world outside our(watery)  world. Now though we have complete information still there is a difference in reality. On the other account i once had a very interesting discussions about  absolute measure for good deed(punya) and bad deed(paap).  It is so objective.  We buy and store things much more than we need just to keep us and our family happy/contended while knowing the fact that many people in this world are starving.  A soldier takes life on battelfield, bombs other civilizations killing many people be it first time attack or a counter attack, in both scenarios it done for saving his motherland and thousands of innocent inhabitants of his country. But again considering the complete information he is just willing to serve the country risking his own life at the same time taking life of others in reality by order from his supervisors.


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