Saturday, March 23, 2013

Monetize the Content

In India with e-commerce still being a new kid on the block, its growing and so fast that we surely cannot ignore. The websites are getting added every day and the Indian giants like flipkart have lost there monopoly. (Though flipkarts profits are soaring everyday.) But soon there will be many other websites with same quality and exciting prices. Thus to maintain its position a good website must have a good content which forces the users to open up there wallets. A good design and a freshlook helps to keep the user glooed to the platform. Flipkart currently sells 20 products per minute (ref wiki).  Thus its the rise of the content and thus the responsibilities of content writers to sell their products.

Traditional content outlets, including magazines and newspapers, will find their way onto social media including Facebook, Youtube and Pinterest and build meaningful businesses within other companies’ platforms rather than just relying on their own digital destinations.
Editorial staff, from editors to reporters, will start out-shining their respective publication brands and will rise as tastemakers. As brands themselves, they will have the ability to generate revenue beyond their content generation.

Commerce will become embedded within content to such a degree that commerce will be seen as content. and are precursors of this seamless merge of content and commerce.
It’s unquestionably an exciting, albeit uncertain, time for those in the content business.

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